Sunday, December 30, 2012

Three Foundational Principles

There are three foundational principles and two derivative principles codified in the proposed Ethnocultural Sovereignty Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

I. No citizen shall be denied or deprived of the right to an ethnoracial identity.
II. No citizen shall be denied or deprived of the right to belong to an ethnoracial group.
III. No ethnorace shall be denied or deprived of the right to ethnocultural sovereignty.
IV. No ethnorace shall be denied or deprived of the right to proportional political representation.
V. The English and Spanish languages shall be the two official languages of the United States of America.

These five principles are first steps towards manifesting (at both individual and collective levels) the new societal paradigm conceived by the Planetary Vanguard on December 21, 2012. This date marks the beginning of the formal public transition from the Old Paradigm to the New Paradigm.

There are two kinds of human beings: 1) those that seek sovereignty over themselves and 2) those that seek sovereignty over others. We are of the first sort and our adversaries are of the second sort. It is within territory inhabited by both that peace and justice starts.

European American group survival at ethnoracial and sub-ethnoracial levels propels the leading edge of demands for a new non-genocidal societal paradigm to replace the old genocidal one. Passage and widespread implementation of the Ethnocultural Sovereignty Amendment satisfies those demands.

Saturday, December 1, 2012


My transitional ethnoracial identity going from the Old to the New Paradigm is European American first and Spanish American second. That makes me whole and one with both humanity and real Americana.

The Genoese Spaniard and first European American, Christopher Columbus, first Admiral of the Ocean Seas, symbolizes and personifies the European in America across international borders with both past historical and present reality. That makes European Americans whole and one with both humanity and real Americana.

European Americans have the natural unalienable God-given right to co-exist collectively as an ethnorace notwithstanding the perverse wishes of the liberal, conservative, progressive and libertarian racists who would deny European Americans their collective and individual human rights by labeling them "racists" for claiming those rights.

European Americans claim the universal and ethnoracial human rights that passage and implementation of the Ethnocultural Sovereignty Amendment implies notwithstanding the hysterical opposition of the oligarchy and their busy minions.

Luis Magno is my nomme d'guerre
December 1, 2012

Thursday, November 29, 2012



1) Anglo-Saxonitis (Anglo-Saxon ethnoracial supremacism).
2) To Anglo-Saxon elitists and racists the only ethnorace that matters is the Anglo-Saxon ethnorace.
3) To Jewish elitists and racists the only ethnorace that matters is the Jewish ethnorace.
4) Anglo-Saxonitis is tolerated and re-enforced by Jewish ethnoracial supremacism to the degree that Anglo-Saxonitis serves Judaitis (Jewish ethnoracial supremacism).


1) Level the ethnoracial playing field by implementing the first three principles of the proposed Ethnoracial Sovereignty Amendment to the original Constitution for the united States of America (see below).
2) The Ethnocultural Sovereignty Amendment would reduce the misused and over-represented political power of the dominant Anglo-Saxon ethnorace at the service of the super-dominant Jewish ethnorace.
3) The fourth and fifth principles of the proposed Amendment are derived from the first three principles but are made explicit for transparency. *


a) No citizen shall be denied or deprived of the right to an ethnoracial identity.
b) No citizen shall be denied or deprived of the right to belong to an ethnoracial group.
c) No ethnorace shall be denied or deprived of the right to ethnocultural sovereignty.
d) No ethnorace shall be denied or deprived of the right to proportional political representation.
e) The English and Spanish languages shall be the two official languages of the United States of America.

Luis Magno
November 27, 2012

* Spanish was the first European language spoken in what is today the United States and is still spoken by millions of Spanish Americans, direct descendents of the Spanish explorers, first American settlers and the true American pioneers going back to the 16th century. Spanish is also spoken by Hispanic Americans in general including Latino Americans who together are the largest non-English speaking linguocultural group in the United States with historical ties to the American Southwest preceding the Anglo-Saxon Americans and their Anglicized, ethnoculturally-whitewashed and dumbed-down assimilated European-American "white" mass.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

The End of the Melting Pot

The end of racism, supremacism, multiculturalism, political correctness and hate. The end of murder, rape, hunger, poverty and disease. The end of the poisoning of our food, water, air and environment.

The end of elite and oligarchical rule with the enactment of the Ethnocultural Sovereignty Amendment to the Constitution for the United States of America:

1) No citizen shall be denied or deprived of the right to an ethnoracial identity.
2) No citizen shall be denied or deprived of the right to belong to an ethnoracial group.
3) No ethnorace shall be denied or deprived of the right to ethnocultural sovereignty.
4) No ethnorace shall be denied or deprived of the right to proportional political representation.
5) The English and Spanish languages shall be the two official languages of the United States of America.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Sovereignty and Ascension for the People

This post follows a train of thought. There is more to say and questions to ask. What is ethnocultural sovereignty? Who is ethnoculturally sovereign? Am I ethnoculturally sovereign? Are you? How does one know who is ethnoculturally sovereign? How does one become ethnoculturally sovereign? 

My path to ethnocultural sovereignty is grounded in the collective history of Spanish America. My path takes language off the table and keeps Spanish American history written in both the English and Spanish languages.  

Ascension views, thoughts and experiences are welcome collateral events on my timeline but I don't wait for them to happen. I create them by creating individual and collective futures for myself as a European American. The Austro-Hungarian recent immigrant ancestral heritage complements the fifteen generations-old Southwest Spanish American heritage. This present future is my current one and my most recent one and is no different from my past futures in essence except in form. 

Humanity's prime directives are Sovereignty and Ascension at both individual and collective levels. Sovereignty is achieved the natural way, the peaceful way, the ethnoracial way. The goal of Sovereignty in the guise of Ethnocultural Sovereignty trumps the goal of Ascension if we are to survive as a free and democratic, multi-racial, multi-ethnic nation and if humanity is to survive as a planetary species. 

The first thing we let go of is our racial language which is racist language. We no longer talk of race and ethnicity as two separate subjects but as one subject, namely, ethnorace. We no longer talk of colored and non-colored, black or white, and shades of green or purple. 

We talk of physical (racial) and cultural (ethnic) differences between ethnoraces. We talk of the rights of ethnoraces. And we do it with the clear understanding that we do it for the common good, for our individual and collective good, and for the survival of our species on this planet. 

What are the rights of ethnoraces? The individual right to ethnocultural sovereignty has collective consequences and vice versa. We must train to think collectively as well as individually else we are doomed to extinction as individuals, as ethnoraces and as natural human collectives and will have devolved into an unconscious mass of mixed breeds, half-breeds and no breeds with no historical attachment to or consciousness of anything other than the alleged colors of our skins, a damnable racist lie which morphs into the language of supremacism using language as a divide and conquer tactic. 

The new paradigm is a game-changing paradigm. The new paradigm is self-replicating and self-evolving. It ushers in a dynamic of social revival, economic reconstruction, cultural renewal and political revolution. It maps into a fully-functional, twelve-dimensional, secular, societal matrix. The superstructure is designed to serve the foundation, the society, the people. It can also crush the people if it falls into the hands of the ignorant, the stupid, the greedy and the arrogant. 

The societal superstructure is grounded on four secular cornerstones and three transsecular capstones. Four open secular positions are culture, sociology, politics and economics in random order. The three transsecular positions (morality, ethics and ideology) are closed. 

< European American Heritage Day >
< Christopher Columbus Day >
< America's Day of Discovery >
< October 12, 1492 to October 12, 2012 >
< 520 years of European American Art, History, Science and Human Progress >

Monday, October 1, 2012

A Higher Human Imperative

A physical three-dimensional human imperative is the creation of a materially and spiritually free and prosperous secular society.*
A narrower view of that imperative is of a fair, equitable and just society. A broader view is of a free, sovereign and independent society. An alternative view is of a slave society.

We are Christians and we are returning Jews. Muslims are Brothers of the Book in opposition to the evil and genocidal Sabbatean-enthralled Judeo-British (Anglo-Saxon) oligarchy.

In tandem with the Mormon White Horse prophecy and historically-embedded Mormon deep hatred of everything American and Christian whom they blame for the untimely deaths of their prophet, Joseph Smith, and Smith's brother.

*Structured along a twelve-dimensional matrix, four secular, three transsecular, three external and two duality dimensions.

Friday, September 21, 2012

It is Time to Construct a New Matrix

It is Time to Construct a New Matrix
We can do it from a 3-D perspective. We are karmically obligated to do it from a 3-D level because the mass of humanity is still in 3-D and will remain in 3-D for the foreseeable future. 3-D is our base starting point. We 3-D denizens build our societies from the bottom up. The galactics are helping us build this new society from a higher dimension. We meet on
intermediate planes and dimensions.

The galactics are waiting for the lightworkers to begin doing their assigned part. The galactics will no longer dip down into the 3-D level to extend a helping hand until it is asked for. The lightworker collective is self-destructively absorbed in mentally-limiting and physically-limited 3-D games or in gazing at their individual and collective navels. No one has a clue where or how to begin and those who do, or think that they do, are promptly shut down. I have been on high alert since the Drake starting event.

Some [lightworkers] troll forums awaiting a mental opening into a very limiting and limited 3-D reality. It would be infinitely more useful and productive to have the lightworker collective reach out to the galactics with a show of creativity to demonstrate to them that they are free human beings prepared to serve the collective. Humanity's deep sleep must be broken. The galactics know it. The lightworkers know it. But collectively we are blind to that need and fail to meet it.

Our secular 3-D leadership is failing miserably. The only two even possible political timelines left are Barack Obama for President or Ron Paul for President. If Barry Soetero is a lightworker as some claim that he is then I would say to Obama:

"Appoint Ron Paul Secretary of the Treasury. Prove to the American people that you are against war and oppressive government by giving Ron Paul an opportunity to redesign the Federal Reserve System to better serve the American people using a debt-free, asset based currency. Appoint him Secretary of the Treasury in your new administration. But keep an eye on him that he not bring up utopian social policies."

On the other hand Rep. Dennis Kucinich's bill nationalizing the Federal Reserve system would be Ron Paul's perfect policy starting point. The political question then comes down to: Kucinich or Paul for Secretary of the Treasury? Paul brings in Republicans. Done deal. Paul gets the job. Kucinich shadows him on behalf of the President.

Lets get her done!

Note: This post was first posted on September 6, 2012 on Luis Magno's Facebook page at

Tuesday, May 29, 2012


The Unmasking and Pacification of the Anglo-Saxon
Subject to the Common Law
he Present Task
The current focus is on the Common Law Notification Process for the de jure sovereign States of the American Union. The completion of the Notification Process brings a State into the reformed American Union with other de jure sovereign American States which have completed and transmitted their Notification Documents to the International Court of Justice in The Hague in the Netherlands.
These Notifications inform the Court and the World-at-large of the States' sovereign nation-state status based on the ancient Common Law, the Invention of America in 1492, the Declaration of Independence of 1776, the Articles of Confederation of 1781, the Constitution of 1787 including the original first thirteen Amendments and the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo of 1848.

It is important that the Notification Process be completed for each of the fifty sovereign American States if we are to fulfill our Manifest Destiny as the United States of America, a federated confederation of free and independent sovereign nation states under a democratic Republican form of government.

What Next?
With the expected completion of the Common Law Notification Process for each of the fifty States a window of opportunity opens up for the freed American ethnoraces to begin collaborating for the Common Good on the basis of an ethnocultural sovereignty mediated by sociocultural equality and political parity.

The Common Law is a process. It is not a static thing. The traditionally Anglo-Saxon or English-speaking American is as ignorant of the Common Law as is the Hispano American.

Two additional amendments to the Constitution satisfy New Mexico's Common Law requirements for a peaceful and voluntary re-entry into the American Union. New Mexico's forced and violent first entry into the Union in 1846 must be rectified in 2012.

Manifest Destiny fulfills its spiritual promise with a rectification of the Crime of 1846, a rectification which includes the passage and implementation of two supporting Sovereignty Amendments to the Constitution for the united States of America.

The New American Monetary Sovereignty Amendment
1) The creation, issuance and disbursement of United States currency shall be subject to the General Welfare clause of the Preamble to the Constitution under an elected Federal Monetary Authority.
2) The Federal Reserve System shall be incorporated into the Department of the Treasury as the Federal Reserve Bureau and within three months of the passage of this Amendment shall be elevated to the status of an independent Fourth Branch of government to be known as the Federal Monetary Authority.
3) The Federal Monetary Authority shall be directly and democratically elected by the whole of the People separately in each of the sovereign States.
4) Nothing in the language of this Amendment is intended to deny or to deprive any State of any of its rights under the Constitution including but not limited to the right of secession.

The New American Ethnocultural Sovereignty Amendment

1) No citizen shall be denied or deprived of the right to an ethnoracial identity.
2) No citizen shall be denied or deprived of the right to belong to an ethnoracial group.
3) No ethnorace shall be denied or deprived of the right to ethnocultural sovereignty.
4) No ethnorace shall be denied or deprived of the right to proportional political representation.
5) The English and Spanish languages shall be the two official languages of the United States of America.