Sunday, June 2, 2013

An Enlightened Democratic Republic

I look forward to a democratic Republic as envisioned by the more enlightened of the Anglo-Saxon founders of the USofA. What went wrong?

The control through physical genocide and physical slavery of "alien" ethnoraces in the service of empire was accepted from the very beginning. These two methods of control morphed with the passage of time into the psychological genocide and psychological slavery that we witness today.

The publicly acceptable discourse has always been about "individual freedom". Discourse on collective freedom is anathema to the Anglo-Saxon ruling oligarchy. The Libertarian movement is an extreme political and philosophical expression of that Anglo-Saxon dread of public discourse on collective freedom.

Here in the USofA the ethnoracial consciousness of European Americans has been and continues to be ruthlessly and mercilessly crushed by the Anglo-Saxon elites in defense of their perversely monstrous white/non-white dual caste system of control.

Comment by Thomas on June 1, 2013 @ 4:44 pm

Defeat of the Dark Cabal

The defeat of all factions of the Dark Cabal inside the United States leaves an ideological vacuum that will lead to sociocultural chaos and ethnoracial warfare.

Oppressive, arbitrary and capricious Judeo-Anglo-Saxon elite rule over the American ethnoraces must be removed to psychologically free the American people allowing them to move forward constructively as a nation of free ethnoraces.

The ethnoracial playing field must be leveled. Econopolitical democracy and sociocultural sovereignty are two foundational pillars of a peaceful transition from the old societal paradigm of debt slavery to the new societal paradigm of credit freedom.

Anglo-Saxon ethnoracial supremacism and Judaic chosenness poison the minds of subject Anglo-Saxons as well as the minds of members of the subject ethnoraces.

The twin evils, Anglo-Saxon ethnoracial supremacism and Judaic chosenness, must BOTH be mercilessly crushed.
Comment by Thomas on May 30, 2013

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The Sixty Quintillion Dollar Question: Who Gets the Money?

(Which groups and which individuals by race and ethnicity get the money?)

The dominant socially-elitist and ethnoracially-supremacist Judeo-Anglo-Saxon societal paradigm trumps any monetary/economic system that does not incorporate the five principles of the Ethnocultural Sovereignty Amendment (ECSA) (see below) into the Constitution for the United States of America. The Amendment was offered by the Planetary Vanguard to the American People on December 21, 2012.

Passage and implementation of the ECSA will awaken the collective visionary power of the now hopelessly-divided American People, nationally, ethnoracially, politically and religiously. The five principles proclaim and reclaim a fundamental set of unalienable natural individual and collective rights and freedoms of the American People.

The end of the American Empire presupposes the timely end of physical and mental slavery and cultural genocide, the timely end of the dual white/non-white sociocultural caste system, the timely end of indiscriminate and unchecked immigration, and the timely end of the treasonous Melting Pot fairy tale.

The end of the American Empire heralds the dawn of Ethnocultural Sovereignty for all Americans and not just for Anglo-Saxons and their Jewish overlords. Promotion, passage and implementation of the Ethnocultural Sovereignty Amendment adds a quintessentially anti-imperialist sociocultural dynamic to the Supreme Law of the Land.

The Ethnocultural Sovereignty Amendment
I. No citizen shall be denied or deprived of the natural right to an ethnoracial (kinship) group identity.
II. No citizen shall be denied or deprived of the natural right to membership in an ethnoracial group.
III. No ethnorace (ethnoracial kinship group) shall be denied or deprived of the natural right to ethnocultural sovereignty.
IV. No ethnorace shall be denied or deprived of the democratic right to proportional political representation.
V. The English and Spanish languages are the official languages of the United States of America.


Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Report From Iron Mountain: On The Possibility And Desirability Of Peace

My Comment:
This government report was hidden for decades. When Pres. Johnson read it he immediately ordered its indefinite suppression. Every person working on creating the New Society can benefit from reading it. The sociological insights of the report are publicly groundbreaking.

Similar sociological insights have guided my own thinking and led me several years ago to the proposed Ethnocultural Sovereignty Amendment.

Whereas those sociological insights by the members of the Special Study Group are employed in the report to propose actions that increase control over the American people I employ those same insights to favor actions that lead to increased freedom for the American people.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

A Great Blessing

The proposed Ethnocultural Sovereignty Amendment to the U.S. Constitution is a principled 3-D manifestation of source energy. It focuses on a necessary but neglected aspect of an emerging fully-human Societal Complex that embraces each and every American man, woman and child, by first doing away with the detested and culturally-enslaving, white/non-white, sociocultural caste system.

The caste system is replaced by a system of ethnoculturally-sovereign ethnoraces. Each ethnorace then consciously and intelligently contributes to defining the founding paradigms of the New Society.

The existence of numerous ethnoraces on United States national territory is evidence of an imperial past associated with the old slave paradigm. We do not deny the past but embrace the lessons learned. We deal with our Imperial Past in a positive and constructive manner by first recognizing and acknowledging the ethnocultural sovereignty of each and every American, individually and collectively.

Passage and implementation of the Ethnocultural Sovereignty Amendment would be a great blessing to the Nation directly and to the World by example. Just saying...

Saturday midnight, January 26, 2013

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Ethnocultural Sovereignty Trumps Economics

To the Honorable Dennis Kucinich:
I support the NEED Act but calls for national unity must also address the need for ethnocultural unity at individual and collective levels. Ethnocultural unity is a pre-condition and natural basis for econopolitical unity at state and federal levels.

The ethnic cleansing of European Americans must end as must the material and spiritual impoverishment of all Americans. Americans and American ethnoraces must be ethnoculturally empowered individually and collectively.

European Americans have been socially, culturally and politically demonized, disadvantaged and tagged as guilty and shameless "whites" for the worldwide crimes of their Anglo-Saxon and Jewish masters and overlords.

Passage and implementation of the Ethnocultural Sovereignty Amendment should help remedy the situation by leveling the ethnoracial playing field now dominated by the Anglo-Saxons and their Judaic overlords.

I. No citizen shall be denied or deprived of the right to an ethnoracial identity.
II. No citizen shall be denied or deprived of the right to belong to an ethnoracial group.
III. No ethnorace shall be denied or deprived of the right to ethnocultural sovereignty.
IV. No ethnorace shall be denied or deprived of the right to proportional political representation.
V. The English and Spanish languages shall be the two official languages of the United States of America.

Warm regards

January 3, 2013