Sunday, June 2, 2013

An Enlightened Democratic Republic

I look forward to a democratic Republic as envisioned by the more enlightened of the Anglo-Saxon founders of the USofA. What went wrong?

The control through physical genocide and physical slavery of "alien" ethnoraces in the service of empire was accepted from the very beginning. These two methods of control morphed with the passage of time into the psychological genocide and psychological slavery that we witness today.

The publicly acceptable discourse has always been about "individual freedom". Discourse on collective freedom is anathema to the Anglo-Saxon ruling oligarchy. The Libertarian movement is an extreme political and philosophical expression of that Anglo-Saxon dread of public discourse on collective freedom.

Here in the USofA the ethnoracial consciousness of European Americans has been and continues to be ruthlessly and mercilessly crushed by the Anglo-Saxon elites in defense of their perversely monstrous white/non-white dual caste system of control.

Comment by Thomas on June 1, 2013 @ 4:44 pm

Defeat of the Dark Cabal

The defeat of all factions of the Dark Cabal inside the United States leaves an ideological vacuum that will lead to sociocultural chaos and ethnoracial warfare.

Oppressive, arbitrary and capricious Judeo-Anglo-Saxon elite rule over the American ethnoraces must be removed to psychologically free the American people allowing them to move forward constructively as a nation of free ethnoraces.

The ethnoracial playing field must be leveled. Econopolitical democracy and sociocultural sovereignty are two foundational pillars of a peaceful transition from the old societal paradigm of debt slavery to the new societal paradigm of credit freedom.

Anglo-Saxon ethnoracial supremacism and Judaic chosenness poison the minds of subject Anglo-Saxons as well as the minds of members of the subject ethnoraces.

The twin evils, Anglo-Saxon ethnoracial supremacism and Judaic chosenness, must BOTH be mercilessly crushed.
Comment by Thomas on May 30, 2013